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Current Research Projects

Smart Contract Invariant Inference

This project is advised by Professors 

Junfeng Yang and Kexin Pei.  I first use foundation models to learn and infer smart contract invariants, and then bounded model checking for verification. Accepted to 2024 IEEE S&P (Oakland).


This project is advised by Professors 

Junfeng Yang,  Kexin Pei,and Dongdong She.

 I study neural-sybmolic software testing with application domain in smart contracts. This project is work in progress.


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High Coverage and Scalable Smart
Contract Testing 

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Recent Completed Research Projects

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Smart Contract Vulnerability Database

In this project, I built a large database that contains proof of concepts and vulnerability analysis of smart contract bugs. It's built for the purpose of benchmarking smart contract research.



As part of Columbia's Blockchain and Web3 Security Seminar, I built this symbolic execution and fuzzing engine to detect smart contract bugs. 


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